Free Dental Clinics » South Carolina >> Summerville Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Summerville below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Summerville, SC Free and Low Income Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Summerville below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Summerville Dental Clinic, SC - 29485
Cifc opens the doors on monday night at 5pm, providing medical, dental, food, clothing, children's ministry, and more to those in need in our community. For further information on how to get involved in the local outreach call 843-697-9504 or email cifcoutreach@gmail.Com. Intake process:walk-in. Random selection for medical clinic and optometry; ev ... (more)
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Summerville Dental Clinic, SC - 29485
Cifc opens the doors on monday night at 5pm, providing medical, dental, food, clothing, children's ministry, and more to those in need in our community. For further information on how to get involved in the local outreach call 843-697-9504 or email cifcoutreach@gmail.Com. Intake process:walk-in. Random selection for medical clinic and optometry; ev ... (more)
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