Free Dental Clinics » Iowa >> Des Moines Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Des Moines below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Des Moines, IA Free and Low Income Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Des Moines below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50320
engebretsen clinic provides the following health services services: medical servicesdental services ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50320
engebretsen clinic provides the following health services services: medical servicesdental services ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50317
east side center provides the following health services: services: women's health services primary care pharmacy service, pediatric services ob gynmedical services dental services acute care ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50317
east side center provides the following health services: services: women's health services primary care pharmacy service, pediatric services ob gynmedical services dental services acute care ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
eligibility: open to anyone fees: accept most insurance, reduced fees based on income and family size intake procedure: call languages spoken: englishspanish service hours: monday-thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pmfriday 8:00 am-2:00 pmtuesday 8:00 am-6:00 pm description: des moines health center provides comprehensive general dental services avail ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
eligibility: open to anyone fees: accept most insurance, reduced fees based on income and family size intake procedure: call languages spoken: englishspanish service hours: monday-thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pmfriday 8:00 am-2:00 pmtuesday 8:00 am-6:00 pm description: des moines health center provides comprehensive general dental services avail ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
eligibility: open procedure: vary, sliding fee scale intake procedure: call 282-2421 for appointment (dental) languages spoken: english service hours: mon-sun 24 hours dental clinic (282-2421) provides full dental care program (no orthodontia or braces at present) primarily for aged, unemployed, or low-income adults. generally no fee if g ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
eligibility: open procedure: vary, sliding fee scale intake procedure: call 282-2421 for appointment (dental) languages spoken: english service hours: mon-sun 24 hours dental clinic (282-2421) provides full dental care program (no orthodontia or braces at present) primarily for aged, unemployed, or low-income adults. generally no fee if g ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
Eligibility: open fees: vary, sliding fee scale intake procedure: call 282-2421 for appointment (dental) languages spoken: english service hours: mon-sun 24 hours description: broadlawns medical center provides general and emergency medical services in polk county. For polk county residents that qualify, lower cost or free medical servic ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50314
Eligibility: open fees: vary, sliding fee scale intake procedure: call 282-2421 for appointment (dental) languages spoken: english service hours: mon-sun 24 hours description: broadlawns medical center provides general and emergency medical services in polk county. For polk county residents that qualify, lower cost or free medical servic ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50309
hours:mondays 3:30 pm-5:00 pmwednesdays 3:30 pm-5:00 pmcentral iowa shelter & service's mission is to provide free shelter and meals to homeless adults regardless of physical or emotional conditions, and to facilitate their move toward self-sufficiency. the goal of the expanded health assistance project is to improve access to primary and preve ... (more)
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Des Moines Dental Clinic, IA - 50309
hours:mondays 3:30 pm-5:00 pmwednesdays 3:30 pm-5:00 pmcentral iowa shelter & service's mission is to provide free shelter and meals to homeless adults regardless of physical or emotional conditions, and to facilitate their move toward self-sufficiency. the goal of the expanded health assistance project is to improve access to primary and preve ... (more)
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