Free Dental Clinics » Florida >> Okeechobee Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Okeechobee below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Okeechobee, FL Free and Low Income Dental Clinics
Choose for our list of dental clinics in Okeechobee below. Hopefully this can help you locate a clinic for your dental needs. There is nothing worse than a toothache when you cannot afford to visit a dentist.
Okeechobee Dental Clinic, FL - 34972
lakeshore medical provides the following health services: services: pediatric services, dental services ... (more)
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Okeechobee Dental Clinic, FL - 34972
lakeshore medical provides the following health services: services: pediatric services, dental services ... (more)
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Okeechobee Dental Clinic, FL - 34972-2129
Fees charged: $20 minimum fee required. Sliding scale, based on family income and family size. Intake procedure: by appointment or walk-in. Eligibility requirements: insurance, medicaid, medicare, income. Languages spoken or available: english, spanish, creole. Area served: okeechobee countyprovides primary pediatrics and dental care only. Primary ... (more)
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Okeechobee Dental Clinic, FL - 34972-2129
Fees charged: $20 minimum fee required. Sliding scale, based on family income and family size. Intake procedure: by appointment or walk-in. Eligibility requirements: insurance, medicaid, medicare, income. Languages spoken or available: english, spanish, creole. Area served: okeechobee countyprovides primary pediatrics and dental care only. Primary ... (more)
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